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Company profile

XiSys Software GmbH is a software company that deals with the requirements of graphics solutions for the embedded market. Since 1994, we have been product innovator and product supplier for exceptional technologies. In addition to the core technology - the graphics / web server - we offer a constantly growing range of tools for the development of user interfaces.
Our products support the operating systems Linux, Windows and Microware OS-9. So far, they have been used successfully in numerous international projects on the popular embedded processor families such as ARM, PowerPC or x86. The special requirements of real-time and embedded systems are fully supported. The graphics system is very slim and resource-conserving. Nevertheless, the functionality is not compromised in any way.


  • Development of the graphics platform XiBase9 for embedded systems
  • Development of complete HMI systems with the integration of middleware (such as Gamma)
  • Development of the description language for individual, dynamizable objects
  • Development of tools for creating individual objects without programming
  • Development of tools for GUI and HMI design
  • Development of a WEB interface as well as maintenance of the tried and tested display redirection
  • Desktop environment for embedded systems (taskbar, startmenu, filemanager, ...)
  • Partner


    XiSys is a founding member of Embedded4You. In cooperation with companies from the association and through integration into the research project SPES2020, the "Visualization without programming" concept was developed and realized. The central highlight of this concept is the ability to design and dynamize individual objects intuitively. The dynamization process does not require any explicit programming. The objects are linked with the HMI editor in screen masks and linked to variables of an optional middleware. Of course, the screen masks and objects can also be integrated and addressed in C/C++.

    Microware Japan

    As part of a joint venture project with Microware Japan, the complete software has been redesigned to support international languages. This resulted in the feature of exchanging the language "on the fly".


    Our customers come from various industries, such as automation, textile machines, medical technology and measurement and control technology. For example: